


1. 可水洗,勿浸泡。
2. 勿使用熱水、高溫烘乾。
3. 洗滌時可用鹼性肥皂或中性洗劑,勿使用漂白劑及含有螢光劑之洗滌劑。建議先將洗滌劑與水充分溶解後,再放入衣物清洗。勿將直接將洗劑直接倒在清洗物上,否則洗劑易殘留局部,而造成褪色現象。請避免使用”強效”洗劑,因為強力洗劑大多含有漂白成份,容易發生褪色情形。
4. 初次洗滌注意:有時染劑會不穩定,故第一次洗滌時,不要和其他衣物一同清洗。並且避免長時間浸泡,即可減少染色問題。
5. 熨燙方式:請使用中溫熨燙。若有繡花、珠子、燙鑽、鉚釘金屬等特殊材質,請隔薄布熨燙。
6. 針對較髒處的處理方式:可用手或軟毛刷做幾次輕柔的刷洗即可。
7. 清洗過後,請馬上脫水,並且放置陰涼處晒乾。置於大太陽底下,會造成褪色。

《Cleaning instruction 》
1. Water wash but don’t soak.
2. Please don’t use hot water to wash it and dry by heat
3. Please use detergent without blenching and phosphor. We suggest to dissolve detergent or soap with water in advance.
4. Please wash alone for first time and also don’t long time soaking to avoid color fade problem.
5. Iron: please use middle temperature. If wallets have embroidery, beads, crystal or metal and Please iron with a sheet to avoid directly heating.
6. Dirty spot: we suggest using soft brush or hand to clean.
7. Please dehydration after clean and hang on shadow place until dry. Sun-dry might cause color fade.

